April 06, 2021 - Msg 116489: As to my message it is I..Howard of my lonely island chapter of one person. Thankyou kindly for tolerating my existence. I haven't been to the porch since Frank's porch. Btw where is Frank?

April 06, 2021 - Msg 116490: Gee! I thought your island retreat was bombed out during all those A-tests.


April 06, 2021 - Msg 116491:
To the author of Msg 116489, I searched the archives and found the following posting from Frank, the person who started the Front Porch a long time ago.

July 19, 2002 - Msg 8026: Hey y'all,
This is Sherrif Frank, the one who built the ole porch. I just discovered this "tribute," and I'm mighty touched. I'm sorry I abandoned the porch way back when, but my life got all complected real fast, and then I accidentally let the domain expire and lost access to the server the old site was on. I'm glad to see most of the old regulars are still hangin' out on the porch, though. I hope you're all doin' well!

-- Sherrif Frank

So basically, Frank's old employer allowed Frank to use a server to host the Front Porch for free. But then Frank changed jobs. And although the old boss allowed free usage of their server for a little while longer, that ended a short time later. Frank has popped in over the years for a brief chance to say hello. But it has been a while and we are not sure what Frank is up to now.

from Poor Horatio

April 06, 2021 - Msg 116492: Hey y'all! I have to dust all of the pollen off of my rocker and set a spell soon! Gotta catch up on things with my porch family-hope everyone is doing okay.

Wanted to share a funny TAGS moment that I had with Laci today: She is out of school this week for Spring Break and spent part of the day with me. We usually sit out on the porch swing,well I sit and Laci stretches out across my lap with her long lanky 17 year old self! (Yes,my back aches,but it is always worth it!)

Her mom keeps telling me how they enjoy watching TAGS every night ,so I was talking to Laci about TAGS,Mayberry,etc. and was saying how I was going to take her some day up to Mount Airy. I began naming different things she could do there,such as ride in the patrol car, visit Wally's service station,get locked up in the jail and so on. Laci is mostly non-verbal but can get her point across- when I said she could have some of Aunt Bee's pickles,she shook her head "NO!" very vigorously! Boy,did I laugh! Yep,we have another TAGS fan in the family for sure! When my daughter came to pick Laci up and I told her about it,she said the Pickle Episode is Laci's favorite and she cracks up laughing when she sees Opie holding the pickle up saying "THESE pickles?" after Andy tells them they have to eat up all of Aunt Bees pickles AKA Kerosene Cucumbers!

I have been laughing about this ever since it happened- it really made my day! Hope it makes y'all smile.

possum under a rock

April 06, 2021 - Msg 116493: Possum..Train up a child in the way she should go; even when she is old she will not depart from it.. Still relevant..

My Granddaughter likes Opie goes camping and all the Dogs as she calls it...Lol....G-F


April 06, 2021 - Msg 116494:
Romeena, I have had regular tenants before when I rented out my condo. We got along quite well.
But I hear you about risks involved with dealing with some Section 8 tenants. And I have heard of some terrific horror stories. Probably the worst ocurred before a family of deadbeats got evicted. First, they punched holes in all the walls. Then they stuffed dead fish in all those holes. Then they turned up the furnace heat as high it would go. Those smelly dead fish cooked for a few days before the landlord found out.

I had taken some training in how to conduct a thorough background investigation on prospective tenants and how to get along with problem tenants. I can't guarantee a 100% trouble free existence, but I believe I could have reduced the risks significantly. Oh well, I won't be able to test out my training since I have given up on risking what is left of my money on rehabbing properties.

A less risky alternative that I am getting involved in is becoming a bird dog. Just like when a bird dog seeks out and fetches prey for a hunter, I have found a real estate investor who needs people to search for properties. He has been able to raise a significant amount of cash from other investors. But he does not have the time to search for properties that meet his specific criteria. So he trains "bird dogs" to find these properties. We can search anywhere in the USA. When we find a potential property, we run the numbers to see if the investor can earn a profit either by developing it or rehabbing it. If that investor ends up purchasing that property, the bird dog is paid $8,000 (for empty lots) and $10,000 (for homes). Although I did have to spend a few hundred dollars to get trained as a bird dog, I do not use any of my own money on the properties I find. I have my fingers crossed hoping I can recoup my losses so far. But I still will be consulting a financial advisor.

from Poor Horatio

April 06, 2021 - Msg 116495:

I want to welcome Arnold, Mr. Tucker, and Joe to the porch. Nice to have you join in the conversation. We talk about a lot of things, as you see, but also try to bring in tags, like our
possum did above.
Hey Possum, that is very cool about Laci's reaction to the pickle story. Right now ME-TV is in season 3. One of the best series of show's entire 8 year run, IMHO. :)
BOO--I am so sorry to hear that about Erin. I pray that something
will happen soon to jar her, but from some past experiences, this may
be a long haul. Keep strong!
PH--I will only add one more comment, and that is that the US IRS has been touting a 'kinder/gentler' approach to those who owe taxes with payment plans, etc, So you may want to reach out and see. My prayers are with you brother.
Also, I hope that the books you ordered will help you to get thru this time, as well as your bird dog idea.
Also, if I may, here is one more little tidbit about faith...I once heard this good
'practical' an@logy.... Every time we enter an elevator (maybe 'lift' in CA) we are literally taking a 'step of faith', faith that cables and other mechanisms will prevent it from dropping 50 floors at breakneck speed. Same with faith in God. Without being disrespectful, He is sort of like that
elevator, I trust that he will get me to my destination OK. :)
I know, I know, I often go with the over-simplified! ha
Oh, on Easter Sunday our associate pastor asked us to guess what was looked up the most on total ofall search engines from March 2020 to March 2021?
One might think that it would have been "Covid nineteen," but it was actually "John 3: sixteen." (I wrote out those numbers for affect) Like he said, all those years that people were holding up those
"John 3:16" signs at ball games, and other venues, stayed on peoples' minds, and
may have been the driving force of such searches! Happy Easter!

Well, have a good evening all!
Mr. Darling's Cuz (MDC)

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116496: MDC. Thank you.

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116497:

As I was watching "Class Reunion" and "Rafe Hollister Sings" tonight, I got out my Mayberry Memories book. Been meaning to post this for some time, but keep forgetting. So, here goes.. The Cutlass was the name of writer Jim Fritzell's HS yearbook, and the 'orange and blue' were the colors of writer Everet Greenbaum's HS. In the Hollister episode, the Crawdad Song that Andy and Opie sang at the end was written by writer Harvey Bullock. The ep also has some great lines like Mrs. Hollister saying, "You look good enough to git buried." :)
OK friends, I'm off to bed,

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116498:

Oh, and Hey to Howard! Good sweep of the porch! :)

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116499: Good afternoon, porch. I'm still feeling miserable, aching all over, an occasional chill, but don't have fever. However, I rarely will run a fever, and my normal temp is 97.6. My chest is very tight, can't get a deep breath and my O2 is very welcome, a big help. At least my "broken" ankle is better. It was never really broken, of course, but was so sore and painful that it might as well have been. Arthritis is a mean thing.

MDC, I like your elevator an@logy. Very clear, makes the point perfectly. Along the same line, I once saw a picture of a bunch of people stepping out onto a glass platform, suspended over the Grand Canyon. I couldn't help but marvel at the trust that took, and wondered how many of them would refuse to trust God for anything.

Well, guess I'll go get some apple juice, and get in my chair with the O2 going. Drat, I'll be happy when whatever this is decides to move on. I have zero appetite, ate nothing yesterday, just drank a lot of juice. Looks like today will be the same. Thank goodness I have gallons of fruit juice on hand - mostly TreeTop Honeycrisp apple, and Welch's Concord grape. I've got a few grapefruit and a couple of avocados, too. I think I could eat that. By the way, that's a really good combination. If you like the two things, you will love them together. I just section the grapefruit out, no membrane, just the sections of pulp, and the chunk up the avocado. A very light sprinkle of salt, and yum! Don't knock it 'til you try it!

OK, I've sat here as long as I can. I need my recliner. Blessings, friends! --Romeena

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116500: Me again, with a correction. I do have a low-grade temp, just 100°. Moan, groan.... did you ever see anyone gripe and complain as much as I do? Now with the temp, though, I'm wondering just what the ailment is. I've finished the COVID vaccines, so it shouldn't be that, but still, I wonder... If I'm not feeling better tomorrow, I guess I'll call my doctor. Blessings, friends. --Romeena

April 07, 2021 - Msg 116501: Romeena, I had symptoms a week after my second vaccine so I think it is possible. Hang in there and see the doc if you need to.

Thank you for those prayers, MDC, as always.

I don't think I mentioned that our cat died last week. She happened to be outside and poor Bruce accidentally ran over her in the drive way when he was coming home from work. Gracie was going to greet him and he didn't see her. She died instantly but poor Bruce was very upset. He said he liked her and she was his buddy. When we buried her out back, he said sadly, "I'm just so tired of death". I get it. I felt like a real heel because when he broke the news to me I said something awful like, "Good. No more litterbox". It was really just my way of trying to make him feel better so he wouldn't think I was upset but when I saw his face, I know I said the wrong thing.

Think I will go have my supper. Hope you all have a good evening.


April 08, 2021 - Msg 116502:
Boo-so sorry to hear about your cat. As you know, we have lost three, and it sure didhurt each time, they were so gentle.
RO--those symptom's do indeed sound like coronavirus of some kind;
and like Boo said, and with 'regular' flu shots, sometimes it 'gets ya' a bit. Please see your doctor.

Another two good eps of tags tonight. First was Arnold and his bike, and Opie's
great line, "I better not say, after all, he is one of my own kind." :) And then the second one about Wally's robbery, when we all learned the word "electronal." ha. Also the great line "Me and Lefty is bustin' out tonight." Ronny was so cute doing that!
Also, did ya notice that Mr Carter was Mr O'Malley just a few episodes back! :)
That's about it for tonight.

April 08, 2021 - Msg 116503: Good morning, (barely) porch! I've been reading email and the porch, and shopped for some daylilies, then intended to rest for a while and come back later. However, I decided since I'm here at the keys, I'll just rock for a few minutes and then retire to my chair for the afternoon.

I'm feeling a bit better than I did yesterday. Still not hungry, but I did eat an Easter egg and washed it down with some apple juice. No fever since that little 100° effort (was it yesterday?) and it only lasted about four hours. Blood sugar is holding up, not dropping, but I wouldn't expect it to with all the juice I'm drinking. Nothing else appeals to me these days. Still, I do feel better, and figure I will be well enough to play bunco tomorrow night. I think I just had a touch of the flu. I've had it before and this felt just like it.

Boo, I'm so sorry about your kitty. That really hurts. Poor Bruce! He must just feel awful. I'm sure the whole family is hurting. A pet can be such a member of the family, and there are so many things that can happen to them. Tell Bruce to cheer up, and if he's blaming himself, to stop. These things happen. My best girlfriend in high school was run over when she was four - by her own father. She screamed, he heard her and stopped. Another two feet and she would have been killed.

MDC, Mr. Carter/O'Malley also was the guy who brought things out to Andy and the boys when they were on their camping trip, when Barney got lost. I don't remember what name he used, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Carter or O'Malley. I think they needed a bigger stable of actors.

Well, my chair calls. Blessings, friends! Keep looking up! --Romeena

April 08, 2021 - Msg 116504: The guy was “Fletch” Roberts...Willis Bouchey .....G-F

April 08, 2021 - Msg 116505: Gooberfife vs Asa.. https://youtu.be/q8sqisHb7cY 🚜 Asa Wins! 👍 🏁 As says Go Green or Go Home!

April 08, 2021 - Msg 116506: As the Girl says...Ok I think We can be done!...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

April 08, 2021 - Msg 116507:

Just some good ol' boys who had one too many shots! (:

April 09, 2021 - Msg 116508: Morning Porch Sitters, I'm here asking for prayers, reiki and positive energies for my Jacob if I may. He got out of jail about 10 days ago and is now on 1 year probation. He finally seems to be genuine about getting clean and stop shooting meth. He took a huge step 4 days ago by telling his girlfriend he wants to get clean and if she can't get clean with him, he will have to leave and go where he can do that. She threw a fit apparently, but he did walk away from her and hasn't seen her since. He tells me he's not had any meth for 4 days now, which doesn't seem like long but for someone who stayed high all day long, that's a long time. He's having a really hard time sticking to it. He calls me crying often over the mess he's made of his life and how much he wants to change it. He dwells on things, always has. I try to give him the positive side of the coin and it works for a bit, but he still is so down on himself. He has no car, no house and no job and that doesn't help matters. He never has been one for the you have to crawl before you can walk speech, even as a kid he wanted it NOW. Please lift him up in your thoughts that he can finally beat this demon and that I can always have the right words to say to him.
Thanks y'all.
I'll try to be back later with other news,

April 09, 2021 - Msg 116509:
*Mavis, so sorry to learn about the difficult time Jacob is having. Since it appears he is in danger of a relapse, he needs professional help.
See if he can find assistance at any of the links below:

from Poor Horatio

April 09, 2021 - Msg 116510: Hey everybody.

GF, That old John Deere showed us who the boss is. lol I was impressed with that.

Mavis, your son will be in my prayers fopr sure. That is so very sad to see how substances can take over a person. I know how hard this has to be on you as well.

Boo, so sorry to read that Erin has decided to do what she is doing. I know you had your hopes up. I declare, these kids can make life hard on us at times. Hang in there and never give up.

Romeena, so glad you are feeling better. I have been worried about you. But your talking Bunco, so you must be on the mend. lol

Been very nice weather here. It actually snowed on Monday, but has warmed up nice. Supposed to hit the upper 60's tomorrow before another cold front comes in. They will be turning on our secondary water next week so I get to see how well I blew down my sprinkling system last fall. I am concerned about our water situation though. It has been a pretty dry winter and our snow pack in the mountains is not good. They may restrict our water useage this summer. It has been a drought year for sure.

Well off to do some laundry I reckon. Every two weeks like clock work. I tell Stacey that and she is soooo envious. With 7 kids her washer is running daily. But she loves her life and being a Mom. And it shows. She will turn 37 next week and I declare she looks like she could still be in High School. Hasn't seemed to age a lick, still tips the scale at 105 pounds, dripping wet, and is the sweetest Daughter a Dad could ever want. And Sarah is just as sweet. I am so blessed.

Prayers for all for a great weekend.


April 10, 2021 - Msg 116511: Good afternoon, porch! Beautiful, bright and sunny here today, temp in the 60s, and a bit breezy. My yard is shaping up, thanks to the good hard work put in by my friend Eddie. He's in his 70s now, has worked with me for about 24 years. He's slowing down, but just stays a little later and doesn't charge me too much. The yard is green, irises and other oldtimers keep up popping up here and there, including unwanted pecan trees, planted by Mr. and Mrs. Bushytail. Dratted trees, I'd let one or two come on up and in a few years there would be pecans. However, two problems. In a few years, I won't be here, and the pecans would be the little hard native Texas pecans, delicious flavor but more work to shell than they're worth. To get a good pecan, you have to graft a big papershell crown to a native root. So, we usually dig them up. I say dig, not pull, because you cannot pull up a pecan tree planted by a squirrel. By the time they're a foot high and big enough to show up in a flowerbed, the root is about two feet long, and about six inches underground, the original pecan is still attached, and I dare you to pull that sucker up. You have to dig down to it, and below it, dig as deeply as you can, cut the root at some point, pour about a half teaspoon of salt on in and cover it up, then fill in the rest of the hole. If you don't do that, you will have a pecan tree shrub coming out of that hole in a few weeks. Texas pecan trees are nothing if not tenacious. And annoying.

I did play bunco last night, had a lot of fun. We had almost all of our old regular players there, had a good lasagna meal, and a very good time. I did take the precaution of doing a face time visit with my doc, and going by her office, where her aide came down to my car and did a Covid test, with immediate results. Negative. I knew I had just had a touch of some silly flu bug, but didn't want to risk taking something worse to the rest of the girls. All clear!

Yes, Asa, you are blessed. You, like I, have had your challenges and low spots, but you, also like I, have been doubly blessed, and you have been a blessing. God is good.

Well, back to my wheelerette. I've been really taking it easy today, will make it to SS and church tomorrow, I'm sure. My sweet friend who can no longer drive is counting on a ride. Blessings, friends, and keep looking up! --Romeena

April 10, 2021 - Msg 116512: Oh Mavis, that has got to be so hard. I am thankful every day that Erin didn't go down the road of meth or heroin. She told me she tried meth once and never wanted to do it again. So scary. She still has cravings for cocaine when things get stressful and I told her about the local narcotics anonymous group and she tried it. She says she is going to look for a zoom group in san Antonio and continue with it. She still needs to find a sponsor. I wonder if Jacob would consider NA? I believe he can do group online, especially with the pandemic going on. It sounds like he needs a 12 step and a sponsor. I will be praying. Sadly, I have four close friends right now who have sons who are addicted to meth or heroin. One, Sheri, just got her son home from ICU this past week after finding him unconscious. He made it but they took him to Austin to another rehab and he ran the first day. He is only 16 and has been in and out of rehab for two years now. She has cardiac issues now from constant high blood pressure dealing with him. I feel so sorry for her. Its a nightmare. I have a friend named Carla who has two sons who are addicted to heroin and in and out of rehabs. There are others but I will spare you the stories. I am confounded by the drug addiction I am seeing. Kids from loving and stable homes. It just feels like such a hopeless situation but there is hope. Keep praying, loving, and supporting if possible. I know you know about codependency and I pray you wont fall victim to it, as I have in the past. Love you, Angie.

Thank you, Asa. I am seeing some good, not all bad with Erin. She came home this week to go to her cardiologist appointment and she has been very cordial (its probably killing her. lol). She has to wear a heart monitor for a week and then she will go back to san Antonio. Here's the funny part: in SA, she has been having to take care of a three year old and help school an 8 year old, plus do all the housework while her girlfriend and girlfriend's mother work. She had to get up at 7, feed kids and animals, cook and clean, babysit and help with schoolwork. Wonder if it will last? hardy har. Anyway, she did register for school and will do an online class next semester. She has to do the entrance exam to find out if she needs remedial classes or not. Bruce told her that he would pay for 3 semester hours and she has to make an A or B if she wants to continue. I am going to get her to try and get a grant since she is not living here. She should qualify. Anyway, I am doing better. Thank you so much for your encouragement.


April 10, 2021 - Msg 116513:

HELLO ALL! Asa and Goob, I thought of you both when I saw a guy up in a bucket truck today! He was a city worker changing a traffic light.
I'm sure you both do not miss those days! (Or maybe you DO! ha)
You know what I miss, someone would always bring donuts or bagels to the office on Friday mornings! lol. I would always indulge by eating one or the other. :) Oh yes, I could go out and buy them now, but it just aint the same. Oh, the little things.

PH--I thought of another simple an@logy...just as I cannot see God, neither can I see the wind, but I KNOW it is there. Perhaps it is a soft breeze on a spring morning, or a gale-force storm. In somewhat the same manner, I know that God is there. Sometimes it is that "still, small voice" and other times it is pretty strong. Anyway, just a thought.

Here's a little trivia for ya all who just saw the Malcolm Merriweather ep on ME-TV on Friday. Why was that Studebaker in Andy's driveway? (The one that Andy got into per
Malcolm's prompting?) Andy mentions why it is there, but only very briefly.
Also, I saw something I never noticed before, but right after the bike/truck collision,
a Thrifty Ice Cream sign can be seen in the window to the right! Hmmm.

BOO--my goodness, hang in there. Erin's highs and lows sure do run the gambit.
Maybe by 30 she will settle down!! Just trying to interject a little jocularity.
You know my prayers are with you all.
Mavis, you too and Jacob!

RO--so glad your touch of the pip was short-lived, and you were able to enjoy the "bunco
squad!" Awhile back I mentioned your yard as the Bouchart Gardens. Then I thought maybe you never heard of them. They are near Victoria, BC, and are amazing! (Been there) https://www.butchartgardens.com/
ASA--snow! wow. Sounds like it melted tho. We are still in the 90s, but a bit of a break coming next week!

Good Sabbath to all,

April 10, 2021 - Msg 116514: Good evening all.
I want to come here and offer an apology for some of the comments in my last post.
Especially to Mavis and Boo. I know the problems and concerns that you have with your kids and I certainly sympathize with you both. But then I turn right around and start bragging about my two Daughters and how good they are. As I read this after posting it I realized how insensitive it came across. That was the last thing I want to be. The truth is I had typed out most of that message and then was interrupted by a phone call. It was quite a bit later when I realized I had not actually posted it yet. And so the last part of it was typed out without my remembering or reading what I had already typed. The end result looks very mean spirited and braggadocios and I apologize for that. I hope you guys did not take it that way and will forgive me. It was not my intention. As Romeena said, I have had my bumps with kids as well. Her and I share a special bond in that regard.

Anyway, sorry it sounded so wrong.


April 10, 2021 - Msg 116515: You snuck in on me MDC. I actually do miss my time in the bucket truck. For what ever reason I found working 40 feet in the air enjoyable. Go figure. LOL


April 11, 2021 - Msg 116516:
MDC and Asa, with both of you mentioning about people working high up in the air in buckets, that brought back some memories involving me. When I was employed full time many years ago, I had rooftop access to two of the five tallest buildings in Chicago. They are the Sears Tower (now known as the Willis Tower) and the John Hancok (misspelled because of the censor) building. I'm not talking about the observation deck where tourists could go. I am talking about being on the roof top exposed to the outside, with both being over 1,100 feet (roughly 1/4 of a mile) above the street! Although I was tempted on multiple occasions to walk towards the rooftop edge, I could never do it for fear that a gust of wind would blow me off the building. Even thinking about this is making me feel a little dizzy. from Poor Horatio

April 11, 2021 - Msg 116517:

Good one PH! :)

April 12, 2021 - Msg 116518: Hey PH....https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YrYe-ezyegY it’s a doozy!.....G-F

April 12, 2021 - Msg 116519: Good afternoon, porch! It's cloudy, but not cold here, at about 71°. Birds are out in numbers, and the tiniest hummingbird I think I've ever seen has come to visit the feeder outside my window. Most hummers are about the size of my thumb, but this little flying jewel is only the size of my pinky, including his tail.

From my window, I can see my fishpond, and I've noticed that the water level has dropped by several inches. It hasn't been warm enough to cause a lot of evaporation, so I'm wondering if I've got a leak in the liner. If so, it can easily be patched, but the hard part is locating it! That will be a job for the pond guy. There was a time when I'd have been in the pond hunting it myself, but no more. I'll leave that to Steve. He's not due here for a couple of weeks, so guess I'd better go top the thing off. I'm guessing it's down by at least 200 gallons.

I had the fun experience of riding up in a bucket years ago. It was after my Dale passed, or he probably would have suggested that I not go up in "that contraption." I can just hear him! I was at my son's home in Florida, in very early December. He had secured a bucket truck from one of his subs, and was using it to string lights in the palm trees in his front yard. He had six huge palms, and every year would string lights down the middle line of each frond on each palm. It was gorgeous! He took me up in the bucket to "help". I don't think I helped much, but he got a big kick out of it. He took several pictures, one with the rooftop of his 2-story house behind me, and several from the ground, looking up at me. Then he sent those to his siblings, just to shake them up.

He planned something fun to do every time I went out there. We rode the Seadoos along the Ocklawaha River (it flows from south to north along the eastern side of the state, joined by the Silver River at one point, and eventually it meets the St. Johns and continues northward. He sent me up in a glider on one trip. I wanted him to be the pilot, but he refused, saying the other man was a more experienced glider pilot, and he trusted him more. That was really fun! Once we went to the Cape and watched a rocket go up. Thrilling! We went to Disneyland on one trip, and also to the Cirque du Soleil. Such fun!

Several times, the highlight for me was getting there, because he would fly in and pick me up and fly me and Sugarplum back out there in his plane. All together, that would cost more than a commercial ticket for me and Sugar, but flying with him was more fun. He was an excellent pilot, a loving son, and I miss him so much.

My irises are starting to bloom nicely. They aren't as numerous as they once were, and a few have reverted back to their parentage and aren't as spectacular as they were, but they're still putting on a show. There's a thick clump in the little crescent bed just outside the back door. I can count nine bloom stalks, each with at least five buds. I know the iris, it's a huge, deep purple bloom, with a white throat and an almost black beard. Beautiful blooms!

The sundrops mounds here and there are all blooming, though not solid with blooms yet. They'll get there. I asked Eddie to cut the two American Beautyberry shrubs back to about a foot high, and he did. They're now starting to send out new canes, already nearly a foot long. They'll end up with long, cascading canes at least 6-8 feet long, and will be loaded with purple berries. The birds will be thrilled. The two surviving rosebushes out front are loaded with buds, should be gorgeous in about a week, and the peace rose outside my window has about a dozen very fat buds that will open in a couple of days. I love this time of year!!!

Well, guess I'd better go rustle up something to eat. I think I'll make some deviled eggs. Goodness knows, I've got the Easter eggs to swing it! I colored 2 1/2 dozen, have eaten or shared about a dozen, so still have plenty left. I know it's ridiculous, but to me, an Easter egg just tastes better than a plain old boiled egg.

Blessings, friends. Keep looking up! --Romeena

April 12, 2021 - Msg 116520: Good afternoon everyone. A snoot full and gassed were terms used when Otis came for his weekend visits, I never heard those and I grew up in the South. Who do you like better on the show, Gomer or Goober? Gomer is my favorite especially the episode when he was the date for Thelma Lou's cousin. Sarah

April 12, 2021 - Msg 116521: I remember some of those trips you took to Florida, Ro! I remember seeing a photo of you and Sugarplum on a seadoo. You must miss him so much.

Well, tomorrow morning I finally am getting my endoscopy/colonoscopy after having tummy troubles back last summer. The wheels turn slowly around here. Today is prep day. yay (sarcasm). Please say a little prayer for me for tomorrow's procedure. Thanks!


April 12, 2021 - Msg 116522: Oh Asa, you are the sweetest. You certainly caused me not harm or sadness and I am always glad to hear that the children of my friends are doing well. That is something to rejoice in. Thank you for that kind apology, though.


April 13, 2021 - Msg 116523: Good morning, porch! Cloudy here, after a bit of a storm last night. Apparently the power was off at some point, because my computer was off and all the clocks are blinking. I never knew when it happened. This house is so well-insulated that it has to be a powerful storm to wake me, and I'm not a particularly heavy sleeper. I don't think we got much rain because there's very little in the birdbaths. I hope we got some though, because Eddie is coming to do the "whatevers" today, and there are a lot of little pecan trees that need to be dug out, so some moisture in the soil will make that a lot easier. Those annoying, pesky, adorable little squirrels have been busy, the little dears.

Yep, Boo, I still have that photo, and several others similar to it. She loved to ride the Seadoo with me. She had her little lifejacket and her sun visor, and would sit on the seat console in front of me. Her jacket had a little strap on the back and it really came in handy one day. We were zipping across the lake, at about 35-40 mph, the water was a little choppy, and I didn't see the small duck in the water ahead of us. It saw us though, and flew up as we got close. The Plum saw it, and suddenly just launched herself like a rocket into the air. I guess she thought she could fly too, and was going to catch that duck! My reflex was to reach up and grab at her, and I got a grip on that strap and pulled her back down. Scared the daylights out of me! I killed the engine, the duck flew away, and I just sat there on the Seadoo and held the Plum in gratitude for her safety. She wouldn't have been run over, she was slightly off to the side of the Seadoo, but she could have come down on the back side of it (big old thing). Seadoos don't have a prop, they have an impeller, so I guess there was no real danger, but it was still scary. The little knothead, what was she thinking??

Yes, I do miss my son, so very much. And yet, at times, I think he's still here. When he passed, it was during that time when I was having so much trouble breathing, and my doctor said it would be best if I didn't try to go out there for the memorial. I couldn't walk more than about 30 feet without being completely out of breath, and any exertion at all would bring on erratic heartbeats. I would have risked becoming a liability, something his wife definitely didn't need to be dealing with at that time. So I stayed home. My other kids would have been there, and would have seen to me, but his wife didn't need that distraction. The result has been that his death seems unreal to me. I didn't attend the memorial. I have not seen his home without him in it. I only saw him about once or twice a year anyway, and in the last couple of years, I didn't see him at all. He didn't want me to come out there and see him when he was so ill, and would make excuses when I would try to plan a trip. So, I let him have his way, and stayed home. I never saw him when he was so sick and weak. To me, he's still there, the vital, busy, fun and funny guy he always was. I think he gave me a gift. I do miss his weekly phone calls, though.

Well, Eddie will be here shortly, guess I'd better get my act together. I feel so good after that little puny spell last week, the yard is shaping up so nicely, and today will be a good day. Blessings, friends. Keep looking up! --Romeena

April 13, 2021 - Msg 116524:
Boo, I hope your endoscopy/colonoscopy test went well.

Romeena, here is a tip regarding estimating when a power outage occurred. If you have any digital clocks around that stopped working when the power went out, then came back on when the power returned, try the following. The digital clock will be flashing to let you know that the time displayed is not correct. Do this before you reset the clock to the correct time. Note what time is flashing and calculate how much time has passed since 00:00. Then subtract that from the current time and that should give you the time the power returned. As a simple example, suppose your digital clock is flashing 02:30. Since 02:30 is 2.5 hours past 00:00, that means your power was restored 2.5 hours ago. So if the correct time is now 05:00, then 2.5 hours ago gives you a time of 02:30 when your power returned.
You also mentioned about your breathing problems. Something similar happened to me one time back when I was employed. I barely could walk one block before I had to stop to catch my breath and rest. Because I was both worried and scared, I asked my sister to drive me to the hospital. After examining me, the emergency room physician gave me Lasix. That caused me to go to the bathroom multiple times to urinate. The result? I could finally breathe normally again.
Finally, do you mind revealing what the cause was of your son's death?

Knock knock
Who's there?
Mikey who?
My key got lost so please unlock the door.

from Poor Horatio

April 13, 2021 - Msg 116525:
I have been watching and listening to some good oldies but goodies music videos over at YouTube. One particular performance I would like to share with you my friends. It was a hit way back in 1959 by the Skyliners. But in this video, it is being performed by one of the many US Navy bands and singing groups. Sit back, get comfortable, and click on the link below.

from Poor Horatio

April 13, 2021 - Msg 116526:
I just realized that I forgot to answer Sarah's question from Msg 116520. Sorry about that. Although I like both Gomer and Goober, I guess I kind of like Gomer just a wee bit more because he appeared first in TAGS, then got a series of his own as a Marine.

from Poor Horatio

April 14, 2021 - Msg 116527:

Good evening porchsters!
Hey PH, when I was about 12 the fam was in Chicago on vacation.
(I had a great aunt who lived in Evanston, and we took the "el" to downtown Chicago), saw the big museum and looked up at the hanc@ck building, and it's two giant antennas. This was in the 1960s.

Sarah, I am also partial to Gomer. Goober was OK, but seemed even sillier in his antics than Gomer! ha

RO--wow, you must be a sound sleeper! My wife is like that. We can get loud cracks of thunder and pouring rain, and she keeps sawin' logs as the saying goes. :)

BOO-I hope your procedure went OK today. I thank the Lord that my doc is OK with Cologuard! haha

Well, we were going to get the J & J shot, but now it has been paused. I think we may just
keep up the proactive things.

I caught the second tags tonite on Me-tv, and it was one of my favs...Dogs, dogs, dogs! It starts with Andy's conc@cksion for Otis, and then the story itself, Opie is so cute with the dogs, and some great lines like about giraffes, and "you're not talkin' to a jerk, ya know." :)

Did I mention that our cabinets have been delayed? Well, they are. :( Maybe sometime in May now.
Pleasant dreams to all,

April 14, 2021 - Msg 116528: Procedure went well, thanks. Doc said nothing to worry about.


April 14, 2021 - Msg 116529: I have been sad for the past several weeks, my brother has left the home place and moved into an assisted living facility due to health issues. My grandmother gave each child an acre of land on her farm when they got married to build their home so I grew up with all my cousins. The home I grew up in now sits empty and I'm feeling the need to go home and just walk thru and let the memories and tears flow. Sarah

April 14, 2021 - Msg 116530:
Awwww (((Sarah))), I just gave you a tender hug in an attempt to ease your sorrow. I do understand. I lost my own childhood home due to a foreclosure. I spent the first 50 years of my life in that home. My family were the only people who ever lived in that home. The thought of selling it after my parents passed away was a difficult consideration for me since we were the only family that ever in that home. Although I owned it free and clear, I mortgaged it to raise funds for investing. When that failed, I lost the home to foreclosure. So now I only have the memories. At least my parents had passed before this happened.

Boo, glad to learn your procedure was a success.

MDC, regarding your family's visit to Chicago long ago, do you know why the subway train is called the "el"? That is because in many locations, especially downtown, the tracks are ELevated above the street level.

And although you saw the two long antennas on the roof of the John Hancok building, that is not the only thing on the roof. In the middle of the roof is a large enclosed structure (http://wendycitychicago.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/285673-1024x681.jpg). Inside it is stuffed with all kinds of electronic broadcast equipment. When I was on the roof, I would have to make adjustments and repairs on our own equipment. I had nothing to do with the equipment belonging to other radio and television stations in that structure.

from Poor Horatio

April 15, 2021 - Msg 116531: Now THAT is what I call a Birdseye view PH....😳......G-F

April 15, 2021 - Msg 116532: We had to put our black lab down this morning so a sad day for us, especially Bruce. Dea was 11, which is old for a large, mostly outside dog. She was the sweetest, most gentle dog I ever owned and will be missed. She just started winding down about a month ago and last night she couldnt stand and started having breathing problems, heart failure. We loaded her into the back of suburban on a nice soft bed and stayed with her every minute until the doctor gave her the drugs that put her instantly to sleep. Its been pretty sad losing two pets within 2 weeks. We had been expecting it with Dea, but it is still sad, especially for Bruce. We will be ok. I do feel sorry for our other dog Ollie, who was her constant companion. I hope he wont grieve too much.

Hope the rest of you are well. I wanted to say to Sarah, that I think most all of us can relate to your post. Hang in there, dear.


April 15, 2021 - Msg 116533: Boo so sorry to hear about your dog Dea, we have been there so I know how bad it hurts. We have taken in my brothers dog Sassy, when he went into an assisted living facility. She will be fourteen May 1st. and we just love her. She only has three teeth and can't eat dry dog food, I tried adding warm water to it but no luck. I finally hit pay dirt with ceasers turkey recipe wet and she loves it. Sassy looks just like the Taco Bell dog in the 90's commercials. Sarah

April 15, 2021 - Msg 116534: Oh, Boo! I'm so sorry to hear about Dea. I know how that hurts. Eleven is definitely a ripe old age for a lab, but somehow that makes it a little harder to lose them, when you've had one for so long. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. I'm sorry, my friend. --Romeena