October 9, 2000, 7:11 pm Msg #399
Sounds like a great time in cold Alabama at the 40th reunion show. Thanks MPO,
Nice,Real Nice Mary Grace and Mr. Foley for the pictures, and NRNMG for the story.
Idelle, hope your Mom is okay now. About Buddy-the missing boy- last night they
called off the massive search and scaled it down to about 8 people. No sign what
so ever of Buddy or the dogs. Now they are focusing on investigative part. It's
going to be below freezing tonight. I just pray Buddy and his two dogs are warm
and fed. Thanks for your prayers. Everyone have a good night now. Stay warm.
Miss Ellie
October 10, 2000, 7:33 am Msg #400
Low and lonely over you....
October 10, 2000, 10:07 am Msg #401
Happy belated birthday to Idelle. Hope you had a good'n.
October 10, 2000, 10:15 am Msg #402
Hello all my Mayberry pals. I haven't checked in lately. For all those birthdays
I've missed, I hope it was the best ever. Have a great day all! Briscoe Darling
October 10, 2000, 12:53 pm Msg #403
hey briscoehowsabouta tune?
October 10, 2000, 12:53 pm Msg #404
hey briscoehowsabouta tune?
October 10, 2000, 12:54 pm Msg #405
October 10, 2000, 4:21 pm Msg #406
Hey Miss Ellie, and a belated happy birthday to you. I haven't checked in here
lately and didn't realize that I'd missed your big day. Hope it was a special
one. And to everyone who's been concerned about little Buddy Myers, to the best
of my knowledge there's no news of his whereabouts. Let's pray he and his dogs
will be found soon. It's getting cold around here at night. Lydia
October 10, 2000, 5:52 pm Msg #407
To all those who want to hear a tune from me, I don't have my jug with me. I will
be back in the jugging business again soon. Thank you all for your patience. Hello
Non-Signers! You all are cool. Hey ~Des~! Love to all, Dave :-)
October 10, 2000, 5:55 pm Msg #408
By the way, Dave=Briscoe Darling Jr. Ooops! I'm no good ~Des~! I'm just no good!
:-) Briscoe Darling Jr.
October 10, 2000, 5:58 pm Msg #409
By the way, Dave=Briscoe Darling Jr. Ooops! I'm no good ~Des~! I'm just no good!
:-) Briscoe Darling Jr.
October 10, 2000, 7:36 pm Msg #410
Hahahaha!!! You're ept, Junior. :-) Deana... err, I mean ~De§~!!
October 10, 2000, 8:32 pm Msg #411
Say this, "You're Briscoe Darling Jr, and you are as good a man as any."
October 10, 2000, 8:53 pm Msg #412
new pics of little robert:
October 10, 2000, 9:04 pm Msg #413
ollie, that is one beautiful baby. You have been truly blessed..
October 11, 2000, 12:34 am Msg #414
October 11, 2000, 6:23 am Msg #415
Hey y'all, POOR
posted a message over at Miss Crump's and I told him about the "new porch".
We should be hearing from him soon.
Opie Taylor
October 11, 2000, 6:53 am Msg #416
Hey Ollie, I put a link to Trivialities from the "menu" frame of the TAGSRWC
web site!!! It's down toward the bottom and folks will have to scroll but
I hope this'll help folks find your site!!! You've done a great thing for the
folks of Mayberry and you've got a right to be mighty proud!!!
Allan "Floyd" Newsome
October 11, 2000, 9:23 am Msg #417
Have ya'll heard that there are only 2 more issues of the "Bullet" and that's
it? forever? How's come? Anybody heard?
October 11, 2000, 10:18 am Msg #418
Hey #411, Lol! Thanks! Some one musta put some, "artificial moon" in my jug. Hahaha!
Howdy ~Des~ an' all! Briscoe Darling Jr.
October 11, 2000, 10:20 am Msg #419
Hey #411, Lol! Thanks! Someone musta put some, "artificial moon" in my jug. Hahaha!
Howdy ~Des~ an' all! Briscoe Darling Jr.
October 11, 2000, 11:14 am Msg #420
Hi! and Hey! For those TAGS fans. I'm a trifle timid, as I've never visited this
front porch type of thing. Hope Poor Horatio makes it here! Love, Aunt Bee-e
October 11, 2000, 12:08 pm Msg #421
hey thanks floyd !! much appreciated!
"a man does with what he's got" :-) (ps thank y'all for making me just a LITTLE
bit more of a proud daddy. anymore and i might just BUST hehehe).
October 11, 2000, 12:32 pm Msg #422
that was me , ollie incase nobody realised it.
October 11, 2000, 12:37 pm Msg #423
Hey Everyone, so glad to find Trivialities!!!! I use to visit the porch often
and when it went away I felt like I'd lost an old friend. cgirl
October 11, 2000, 1:38 pm Msg #424
"be it ever so humble, there's no place like home...."
October 11, 2000, 2:01 pm Msg #425
(in reply to Msg #420)
Hi, Aunt Bee-e! Good to see you finally made it! I think you'll enjoy yourself
here. We've got some of the friendliest folks you'll ever meet. So just jump
in where you can and hang on!
BTW, where is that pretty pink font color of yours?
Opie Taylor
October 11, 2000, 2:32 pm Msg #426
Just thought it was time I dropped in over here and found out what all the commotion's
about! Pretty nifty format. Hey to Opie Taylor and Aunt Bee-e. Viola Slatt
October 11, 2000, 3:17 pm Msg #437
October 11, 2000, 3:43 pm Msg #438
oops. i was workin under there with them spiders and had to erase those posts
(they were all tests of mine: no body's posts).
dang get this : my VCR broke!! no more tags till i get it fixed..........
October 11, 2000, 3:47 pm Msg #439
I'm trying to change my font color, hopefully it works!
October 11, 2000, 4:04 pm Msg #440
One brief update on the little 4-year old boy who's missing here in NC. One of
his dogs turned up yesterday which I guess they're taking as a good sign. Keep
thinking the good thought, everybody. Lydia
October 11, 2000, 7:04 pm Msg #441
Hi Lydia, good to see you, and thanks for the birthday wishes. I hope if someone
has Buddy that they are treating him and his dog well. I'm glad the other dog
got home. Hey BDJR, and Viola Slatt and cgirl and welcome Aunt Bee~e. Lovely day
here in Mayberry. Warming up again. Miss Ellie "Mr. Fix-it." Andy
October 11, 2000, 7:07 pm Msg #442
Ollie, RW is cute as a button. Miss Ellie "Handsome as a baby, handsome as a man."
October 11, 2000, 7:16 pm Msg #443
thank you ellie, he gets it all from his ma. :-)
October 12, 2000, 12:35 am Msg #444
Oh my gosh, ollie - little Robert is ADORABLE!!! Thanks for sharing those pics.
:-) Opie, good news about Poor Horatio! Glad you were able to tell him about the
new porch. Lydia, thanks for the update on Buddy. Where could he BE?? I'm still
praying. Hey to everyone! ~De§~
October 12, 2000, 6:47 am Msg #445
Hey, Viola!
Welcome to Trivialities, I'm happy to have you
join us! It always makes the place brighter when you're
around (even during the fights!
I hope you get your VCR fixed soon! Got yourself a cute
kid by the way.
[in reply to Msg #439] This is how you change your font color: Type in <>font
color=tan>> to make your post tan! Always remember
when posting with a font color to turn it off at the end of your post by typing
<>/font>>! So, this is what you should have typed;
<>font color=green>> Hi, Billy! Good to see you again! BTW, how do you
like my font color?<>/font>>
and when posted, this is what your message should look like:
Hi, Billy! Good to see you again! BTW, how do you like my
font color?
Simple, see?
I'm still praying for Buddy. Thanks to all of you that have kept us up to date.
Opie Taylor
October 12, 2000, 11:37 am Msg #446
Pooooor Hoooooratio? Where are you???
October 12, 2000, 12:29 pm Msg #447
sometimes i like to see a font
October 12, 2000, 1:42 pm Msg #448
Pictures from the Birmingham TAGS event are now up at the Mayberry
Giants: "Hit One for the Ol' Goober" place.
October 12, 2000, 3:29 pm Msg #449
Uh, I won't bother with another link but there are about 20 more pictures on the
various M'Days 2000 pages too, compliments of Therapteic.
October 12, 2000, 3:52 pm Msg #450
those are great MPO! i swear one of these days
maybe even next year, me verleen and little robert will make it over there to
ONE event at least.
well, i'm here working at home today, and nobody is here: which is a better
work environment : ususally, robert bangs on the door hollering "DADDY!" until
i get him and sit him on my lap so he can type too. he's a pretty good emailer.
and he icq-ed my boss the other day....... haha. he comes up with shortcut keys
that i didn't even know existed.
on matlock yesterday, it was the one where don knotts is trying to fix ben's
sink. ben comes in and there he is eating a sandwich. he says "i found this
stuff in the refridgerator and thought i'd eat it before it went bad". hehehe.
hey has anyone read the "blue book" about andy griffith? it's kinda short,
and talks about his stage career as well as him as lonesome rhodes, and how
he took that charactar home with him at night.......spooky..... i thought that
was a pretty neat book.
oh, BTW, in the lefty frizzell book i just read there is this pic inrrrr there
of hank and lefty at ernest tubb's record shop singing after the opry. well
i blew it up so i could print it out on photo paper and noticed that it's a
better photo than that: in the back ground, you can see audry williams talking
to ET, rose maddox, chet is off to the side, don helms the steel player is half
hidded by somebody, and jerry rivers the fiddle player is somewhat obvious in
there. i thought that was something.
anyhow, better git
October 12, 2000, 5:47 pm Msg #451
Hurray! I found my way here! Wouldn't it be easier (maybe not possible tho) to
have the newest postings at the top. It's gonna be alot of scrolling at the end
of the month! A sandwich Ollie? I thought Ben ate only hot dogs! I don't think
I could eat the amount hot dogs he goes through. I would hit burn real quick.
I have browsed through the "blue book" but if you are speaking of his autobiography,
I was hestitant to purchase it and read it because it was "unauthorized" and sometimes
with the unauthorized bios, you can't always tell what is fact and what is fiction.
I did just buy the new book "Mayberry Memories" and think it is just fabulous.
Nice site here! TJ
October 12, 2000, 6:09 pm Msg #452
hey to tj! yeah some folks have mentioned the new posts being at the top,
but i did it this way because that's the way the old porch was formatted. here
in a few days, i'll take down the "votes"
that are here now, and put one up for top or bottm new posts.
(ps it was barn's character that was eating the sandwich :-)
oh, and i am fixing to "sweep" the place soon. if it gets too cluttered on
here, you can always email me and i'll
sweep it. :-)
October 12, 2000, 6:44 pm Msg #453
there's just something about a man with a broom....
October 12, 2000, 7:00 pm Msg #454
Hey back to Ollie! Thanks for making me feel welcome and home here! :o) I am SOOOOO
happy to hear that it was barn's character in "Matlock" eating that sammich! Ben's
so known for his yen for hot dogs, that it would make one wonder! I am sure for
dinner he has something more nutrious and filling! Fixing to "sweep" the place
soon...check Clutter I can email you...check You'll clean up that mess...check
Any rules that I need to be aware of so no citizen's arrests are made on me? Different
or the same as Miss Crump's? I want to be a law abiding citizen even if I sneak
in a jar of Aunt Bee's Pickles every now and then! I never made it to "The Porch"
so don't know what it was like. I was just coming to Miss Crump's as it was going.
October 12, 2000, 8:45 pm Msg #455
ben is also big on chili :-) anyhow, as far as rules go, well, as long as nothing
is too dirty, like too dirty for say, your kids to read, and as long as you ain't
mean to anybody, well, i guess that's about it. aside from rule #1: obey all rules
:-) i kinda would like things to be somewhat related to TAGS, altho obvioulsy
personal , freindly type stuff is great, and you know, sharing stories etc etc.
it's all in the mayberry spirit anyhow.
and i guess i oughtta welcome all the newcomers to come on in and sit
a spell and chit chat! (if i ain't around much, just keep on talking like you
were doing :-)
October 12, 2000, 8:58 pm Msg #456
"i don't know anything about rock and roll..... and don't care......" ben matlock
October 12, 2000, 9:06 pm Msg #457
Beautiful moon out there tonight. Welcome newcomers! Haven't heard anymore news
on Buddy, the missing boy. I think it should be the top local story, but the news
doesn't. Everyone have a goodnight now. Miss Ellie
October 12, 2000, 10:29 pm Msg #458
Hi folks...just checking in to say hello. MPO sure did a wonderful job on posting
all those MD00 pictures.
I'm gearing up for the weekend...am gonna rest rest rest and do homework homework
homework. then maybe Gilly will take me over to Morelli's for a nice dinner.
You all take care! Idelle
October 13, 2000, 5:45 am Msg #459
Hey, folks! I was just curious to know, in which state
do you live, and if you don't mind telling, your age? I'm posting from NC and
am 15 years old. How 'bout yourself?
October 13, 2000, 8:32 am Msg #460
Miss Ellie, I'm an October baby also, October 9, when is yours? cgirl
October 13, 2000, 8:50 am Msg #461
I am currently "transplanted in Tennessee but hope to
move back to "My Hometown", Cleveland, Ohio next year. As for age, well let's
see, a girl isn't supposed to tell but I can say I am more than twice your age
Msg #459... :o) TJ
October 13, 2000, 9:59 am Msg #462
Hey to the Porch (uh...what do we call this place anyways? I mean, hey to the
trivialities don't make much sense)
Hope I wasn't too pushy
"Pearly onions just twang mah buds!"
October 13, 2000, 10:02 am Msg #463
Hey to the Porch (uh...what do we call this place anyways? I mean, hey to the
trivialities don't make much sense)
Hope I wasn't too pushy
"Pearly onions just twang mah buds!"
October 13, 2000, 10:13 am Msg #464
Burt- his buds twanged twice in 3 minutes time. That'd be a picture no artist
could paint! Just funnin on ya, son. hehehe
October 13, 2000, 10:18 am Msg #465
MPO great pictures!! Hey to the Porch Your healthy girl, Flora
October 13, 2000, 11:12 am Msg #466
Okay, I'm trying to font in a different color. Never done
this before. I've got everything crossed I can cross, fingers, toes, eyes, arms,legs..etc
and see if this works. Hope all our well today with our Porchsters. Message 459
I am 47 and live in North Carolina too. Cgirl, my birthday was on the 3rd of October.
Happy Belated Birthday cgirl ! Miss Ellie
October 13, 2000, 11:15 am Msg #467
Hey I did it ! Thanks Opie Taylor for the instructions ! Today
is Friday the l3th, we have a full moon and I have a black cat ! Halloween should
be tonight ! Miss Ellie (a fonting fool now)
October 13, 2000, 11:18 am Msg #468
cgirl, your birthday is the same as John Lennon's, right? I'm Deana, from San
Antonio, Texas, and I just turned 45 in July (which is a more palatable way of
saying I'm 45 :-) ~De§~
October 13, 2000, 11:20 am Msg #469
Btw, mighty good fontin' there, Miss Ellie. You're the CATS! You have no idea
how long I've wanted to say that again. I'm finally back in the company of folks
who know what I'm talking about! *S* ~De§~
October 13, 2000, 12:03 pm Msg #470
go ellie, go ellie! :-) atta boy, luther!hahaha
October 13, 2000, 2:33 pm Msg #471
Hey Deana ~Des~, Yep I have the same birthday as Lennon and if I'm not mistaken
Richard Nixon! How is the weather in Texas today, I understand it's been pretty
hot there this summer. I was in Tennessee a couple of weeks ago visiting family
and had beans and cornbread everyday for lunch. The restaurant that my sister
and went to everyday for lunch sure knew how to cook beans!!!After the fourth
day when we walked in the waitress asked, beans and cornbread again, we both said
YEP!!!!! cgirl
October 13, 2000, 3:47 pm Msg #472
Lennon and Nixon - now that's what I call diversity. LOL! It's sunny and mild
here. Might get some rain this weekend. We just got five days of rain in a row,
more than we've seen since June. Praise be! :-) Just weeks ago we were in the
middle of a drought and record high temps. One day it got 111° here, and the next
day it was 112°. Fergit that! ~De§~ P.S. Beans and cornbread.. now that sound
October 13, 2000, 4:03 pm Msg #473
Hey, Miss Ellie!
Good job! I think using a font color when posting help identify the poster and
their personality! Here's a web page that will help you with the many different
font colors you can use when posting. Thanks to Mr. Newsome for putting it together!
Font Colors
Opie Taylor
October 13, 2000, 4:33 pm Msg #474
Happy beautiful weekend to all. Shore wish I had
some o' them beans and cornbread right now!!!
October 13, 2000, 5:09 pm Msg #475
I don't much think this color will look good here with a white
background. I just wanted to thank Ollie for getting this place set up
for folks. I know that so many Mayberry folks missed "The Front Porch" and I just
didn't have time to get it done myself. Ollie's running a nice, easy going "porch"
at that. So far, I've enjoyed visiting here even more that the old Porch because
folks are being nice and neighborly to one another. Keep up the great work, Ollie.
Allan "Floyd" Newsome
October 13, 2000, 5:27 pm Msg #476
Highlight with your mouse---->Hey to everyone. From an October
Friday the 13th Ghost!
October 13, 2000, 5:29 pm Msg #477
he crawled in there to keep warm
October 13, 2000, 6:38 pm Msg #478
Good Friday the 13th evening everybody! I know this is not
really an autumn color, but I wanted something with a little pank in it, like
my corsaige from Gomer. Two weeks since Mayberry Days & one week since Birmingham
and I'm already wishing for another get together with my Mayberry friends! Mayberry
memories & Mayberry friends are so addictive; you just can't get enough! Hope
you all are having a wonderful evening. Nice realnice MaryGrace
October 13, 2000, 8:35 pm Msg #479
Hello, everyone! I'll post in color now, but you can
rest assured that once I've slept, I won't remember how to do it again. Just wanted
to say that everything's okay in Mayberry! --Elinora (now, how do I skip a line
so my name's below, after a doublespace? Used to be I could just hit 'enter' then
a '.' then 'enter' and there was a gap. Well, a gap with a '.' in it.)
October 13, 2000, 8:39 pm Msg #480
Don't mind me--I'm just checkin' to see if the purple got turned off. --El.
October 13, 2000, 8:43 pm Msg #481
elinora , type :
for a new paragraph and
for a new line till i fix it in the program :-)
October 13, 2000, 8:44 pm Msg #482
oops :-) try her again:
<p> for paragraph
<br> for new line
October 13, 2000, 9:38 pm Msg #483
October 13, 2000, 10:46 pm Msg #484
Hey porch!!
October 13, 2000, 10:52 pm Msg #485
hey backattcha!!
October 13, 2000, 11:01 pm Msg #486
Hello everyone;
I can't believe I'm here. Good thing I posted on Miss Crump's Blackboard where
Opie Taylor saw it and informed me of this new location where the old Front
Porch people post. Thank you Opie Taylor for the info.
I just wanted to say that I missed all of you since The Front Porch disappeared
in early July. I hope you are all doing well. I don't have time to read the
previous postings tonight. See you all soon.
October 13, 2000, 11:02 pm Msg #487
Hey Porch. this is agood day we had some sun today. love you all tom
October 13, 2000, 11:04 pm Msg #488
Hello everyone;
I can't believe I'm here. Good thing I posted on Miss Crump's Blackboard where
Opie Taylor saw it and informed me of this new location where the old Front
Porch people post. Thank you Opie Taylor for the info.
I just wanted to say that I missed all of you since The Front Porch disappeared
in early July. I hope you are all doing well. I don't have time to read the
previous postings tonight. See you all soon.
October 13, 2000, 11:07 pm Msg #489
Can it be? Is it really? It's.... it's.... POOR HORATIO!!!!! Outstandin to see
October 14, 2000, 5:16 am Msg #490
Hey to Mayberry! So nice to see ever'body. I realize it's been a LONG time since
Mayberry Days (TWO WEEKS AGO NOW!), but I just wanted to say how much fun me and
my new bride had in Mayberry, meetin' all the folks and just takin' it easy for
a few days. We included MD2K as part of our honeymoon since we both love TAGS
and, after all, Mayberry is what brought us together in the first place!
I'll be getting some pictures posted soon so's folks can see 'em. Thanks to
MPO and Therapetic and Nice, Real Nice
Mary Grace and Mr. Foley for all the pictures posted over at MPO's
This place feels just like home, you know that? Thanks again, ~ollie,
for puttin' it together for us.
I'll see ya.
"Oh I did too, I did too. I forgot it the minute it happened."
October 14, 2000, 7:27 am Msg #491
First, I want to say great big Hello to
! Good to see you finally made it!
I'm just pickled pink to see y'all using font colors!
Excellent job, Nice, Real Nice, MaryGrace
and Elinora! When ever you're ready, I'll show
you how to post with a different font style!
Rafe Hollister! How you been pal? We've missed you over at Miss Crump's!
How come you're not using that lime font color of yours?
Opie Taylor
"You think you're kidding. Listen, an IQ can be
a mixed blessing sometimes. Some people want it and can't get it. I got it and
had to get rid of it. Life's funny that way, you know?"
October 14, 2000, 9:11 am Msg #492
Hey Gang! HEY MCB, Did you see my note a few days ago about Gilly seeing
Mrs Cookie Bar on last Friday? He said she didn't know who the heck it
was! LOL, so tell her the guy who was riding by her in a truck, and honking wasn't
a stalker, it was Gilly! LOL.
Miss Ellie, thanx for your well wishes for my mom, she is better now. ((((hugs)))))
Flora, Girl, sorry you couldn't make it to MD00!! We missed your smiling
face. This year it were ME who got the Elvis scarf and the little kissy! LOL.
Just ask Emma, she was there!
Going to the Used Book Store Sale Bonanza today! Whew hooooo! (Try saying
THAT three times fast!) You all have a good day! And act like somebody!
October 14, 2000, 9:11 am Msg #493
oh oh, looks like Opie Taylor didn't turn off his italics...and now I'm crooked!!!
Is it fixed now? Ide
October 14, 2000, 9:13 am Msg #494
I'm ept I'm ept!
Course Ollie did this board and made it easy for me! ;)~ Ide
October 14, 2000, 9:44 am Msg #495
Okay, here goes--
Did it work? Did I get a new paragraph?
I ain't gonna try this in purple AND with gaps...I don't trust me.
Poor Horatio, you're right about us "old Porch people." I'm no spring chicken
--Elinora (Gosh I hope that worked or this is gonna look REAL strange.)
October 14, 2000, 9:46 am Msg #496
Woo-HOO! Ollie, you are the cat's!
October 14, 2000, 9:46 am Msg #497
Oh, MAN! I'm SO ept! (that is, if the purple's off now.)
October 14, 2000, 10:18 am Msg #498
How's this look?
October 14, 2000, 10:19 am Msg #499
Yuck. Okay, how's about this?
October 14, 2000, 10:20 am Msg #500
I'll DO it! Just me messin' with the bulletin board, folks. ~De§~
October 14, 2000, 11:24 am Msg #501
I just got an email from a neighbor I don't know who's
screen name to thank or write back to. It was entitled "Mayberry/Atlanta" and
looked like a newspaper clipping of a movie set or an archival 1950-60 newspaper
clipping of a real city. It came to me from R. Proctor. I looked at the wbmutbb
memberlist and don't see the name. I'm sorry I can't make the connection with
the screen name. Can anyone help a friend out? TJ
October 14, 2000, 2:34 pm Msg #502
I have added to the current interactive story that is
being written anyone want to write the next piece? TJ
October 14, 2000, 4:01 pm Msg #503
Hey to everyne! Idelle, I saw your post. What a hoot! I mentioned it to her. She
doesn't remember any honking or any truck. Ask Gilley what kind of car it was.
It was probably her. Things like that din't register w/ her like they do w/me.
Anyway hope all is well. I'm catching up on my My 3 Sons watching from the marathon
last week since its all Charlies Angels this weekend on TVLAND. Ill Be glad when
they get back to a regular schedule!
Mr. Cookie Bar
October 14, 2000, 5:34 pm Msg #504
When you turn on it, remember to off it.
October 14, 2000, 5:42 pm Msg #505
Mr. Cookie Bar? I'd be interested in your opinion of the My three Sons Bub years
marathon. I saw a lot of TAGS people on there- Hilda Mae, and Mrs. Rigbsy to name
2. Didn't some of the early episodes seem kind of dark and unusual? For once,
I think I like the color eps better. One things for sure, Tramp sure deserved
an emmy. What do you think? Lillian
October 14, 2000, 5:44 pm Msg #506
I'm offing it, I'm offing it!
October 14, 2000, 7:17 pm Msg #507
Just a note for you. I appreciate your prayers for Buddy, missing boy, age 4.
SADLY, he was found dead. The police didn't release anymore information than that
because of compromising the investigation. The family has agreed to take lie detector
tests. Buddy's other dog has not been found nor returned home. May God touch those
who mourn him. Miss Ellie
October 14, 2000, 7:54 pm Msg #508
Miss Ellie, that is so very sad. May Buddy rest in peace. May those who loved
him be consoled by the multitudes who prayed for him.
October 14, 2000, 9:59 pm Msg #509
Hey, Idelle! Sorry about forgetting to turn off my italics.
"Dirty me, dirty me, I'm disgusted with myself." It should be off now.
Miss Ellie, I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy. I will
continue to pray for his family and friends during this time of mourning.
De§, I like that teal font
color of yours!
Elinora, you're coming right along with all
this fontin' and paragraphin'. Keep it up! You're doing great!
Opie Taylor
Okay, everything should be turned off now.
October 14, 2000, 10:15 pm Msg #510
Lillian, you are correct. The Bub years were a whole different breed. Yes, there
were alot of Andy players on the old black and white. Saw Asa in one. There was
also a character named Mayberry in another. They were both filmed at Desilu and
debuted within days of each other in 1960. Anyway, I, too am sorry to hear about
Buddy. That's a terrible thing to happen to a small child. I thank god each and
every day that my 2 are safe and warm. Everybody have a good evening.
Mr. Cookie Bar
October 14, 2000, 10:21 pm Msg #511
October 14, 2000, 10:23 pm Msg #512
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: FROM MISS ELLIE: The report I heard was in error (I think
on my part) THERE ARE ONLY RUMORS of little Buddy's death, but unfortunately these
rumors are hampering the investigation. They are also tearing the family up I'm
sure. So let us all keep a good thought and send up a prayer that Buddy is safe.
Not in all this time have I heard his parents mentioned. I apologize for my part
in this misunderstanding, but my husband swears he heard the same thing on the
news that I did earlier. I was on the phone when the news came on and I misheard
or either they misreported. Thanks for your prayers and understanding.: Miss Ellie
October 14, 2000, 10:26 pm Msg #513
October 14, 2000, 10:34 pm Msg #514
Now back to being my fonting fool self. Tom, you are right
about it being so long since Christ was born, but not much longer until He comes
back for His children. I'll email you my address.
The out pouring of love and concern for Buddy and his family, where ever he
may be is typical of this great Porch. Ollie, you are just a wonderful guy to
bring this back to us. Hey to everyone.
Lillian, just what do you put in those famous meatballs? Good to see you.
Hope everyone saw that gorgeous moon the past few nights.
Love you folks, Miss Ellie
October 15, 2000, 12:11 am Msg #515
Rafe, Mayberry brought you and your new bride together? Tell us about it, please!
That is just awesome!!!!
October 15, 2000, 1:36 am Msg #516
hey, y'all~~ **prayers** for Buddy.
good ta see Poor Horatio, especially, but also alla y'all-- old friends an' new.
awhile back I posted that I got a bunch of Andy Griffith comedy and music files
in .mp3 format. I jes' got turned on to a place called WhaleMail.com that'll hold
up to 75MB of files, then I send a notification to folks who'll be directed to
a special URL to download the files four at a time. these are what I have:
Addressing the U.N.; Andy And Cleopatra; Hamlet; Love Poems - Togetherness; Romeo
and Juliet (cuts off); St. James Infirmary; The Discovery Of America; The Fishin'
Hole; The preacher and the bear; What it Was, Was Football; Whoa Mule (with the
this ought to work better for sharing than that "go to the newsgroup" idea I had
before, all ya gotta do is write to me
and tell me which ones you want. ~~~love, Leon
October 15, 2000, 6:59 am Msg #517
(#514) 1% meat, 99% breadcrumbs. ;-)
October 15, 2000, 9:29 am Msg #518
an' all this time I thought it was made of green cheese...
October 15, 2000, 10:28 am Msg #519
Sighhhhhh!! "My Three Sons"-the Bub years... Those first
years were the best years just like the first years of TAGS. Why does it seem
when the classic shows, like "My Three Sons"-the Bub years and TAGS, changed when
they turned in production into colorized episodes? Was it the mind just thinking
b&w brought more simpler times? A change in the times? A change in writing and
production? The cast for the most part was in place.... TJ
October 15, 2000, 11:38 am Msg #520
Miss Ellie? Lydia? Any news on Buddy?
October 15, 2000, 12:07 pm Msg #521
Nothing new on Buddy. They won't broadcast much news as it may compromise the
investigation. As of yet, no sighting of Buddy or the dog have proved to be him.
Just keep praying positive prayers. God listens. Miss Ellie
October 15, 2000, 2:04 pm Msg #522
Good Sunday afternoon to everyone. I'm on my way down to Wally's for a bottle
of pop. They have three new flavors; they have raspberry-lemon, tangerine,
and pineapple-lime. Anyone wanna come along? My treat. I just got a dividend check
for my 1/8 share of stock. Now we'll have to assign seat 'cause I don't wanna
overload the springs on my new car. Now I'll drive, so I'll sit in the front.
October 15, 2000, 2:07 pm Msg #523
Good Sunday afternoon to everyone. I'm on my way down to Wally's for a bottle
of pop. They have three new flavors; they have raspberry-lemon, tangerine,
and pineapple-lime. Anyone wanna come along? My treat. I just got a dividend check
for my 1/8 share of stock. Now we'll have to assign seat 'cause I don't wanna
overload the springs on my new car. Now I'll drive, so I'll sit in the front.
October 15, 2000, 2:10 pm Msg #524
OH! I forgot to tell y'all. You can get a Mayberry
email address if ya want. It'll run ya $9.95 a year plus a one-time set-up
charge. But it may be worth it to some of ya. I got mine . . . . hehehehehe .
. . . . It's Barneyfife@mayberry.net. Now don't that just clutch ya!?
October 15, 2000, 2:16 pm Msg #525
Well, looking at the credits in the early episodes(My 3 Sons)ther ewere some writers/directors
that were cutting their teeth as it were on this show. For example, Gene Reynolds
of M*A*S*H directed some of the early episodes. In the later color years, they
were directed by Fred DeCordova, who used to direct Johnny Carson. That might
explain the later smarminess.Also remember you lost William Frawley in the last
black and white season and got William Demerest, a totlally different personality.
Plus the sries switched from ABC to CBS the following year and went to color as
TJ mentioned. I think the black and white added to the charm where something is
lost w/color. I think w/ TAGS evrybody was tired by the fifth year and they were
jist running through the paces. I'm not sure if Don Knotts had stayed it would
have made the color eps any more appealing(sorry Emma).Anyway, hey to everyone
and hope you all are having a pleasant Sunday.
Mr. Cookie Bar
October 15, 2000, 7:29 pm Msg #526
Buddy Myers' dog Sasha, returned home alone today. Skinny and skittish,but okay.
Police trying following her footsteps (maybe the scent I don't know) and found
nothing. Buddy has been missing l0 days. The story is at www.wral-tv.com I had
kinda hoped Sasha would stay with Buddy until he was found, incase he is outdoors,
Sasha could keep him warm. He only has on a tee shirt,pants,and shoes because
he disappeared on a hot day. Miss Ellie
October 15, 2000, 7:39 pm Msg #527
TJ, I know exactly what you mean. For the most part, those b&w episodes are far
superior. However, Gilligan's Island managed to maintain its dignity during the
color years. (har har snork chortle...) **Barn, that tangerine pop sounds mighty
fine! I'll DO it! MCB, I agree. Color is too real; we can see that any old time.
Black and white affords us a measure of fantasy which I find quite charming. Miss
Ellie, I don't know what to make of Sasha showing up. I'm just gonna keep on praying.
Thank you for the updates. ~De§~
October 15, 2000, 7:40 pm Msg #528
Oh phooey.. forgot my fancy fontin'... ~De§~
October 15, 2000, 11:40 pm Msg #529
Hello everyone! This is my first visit to the porch, but I've been a TAGS fan
from the very first show! I'm very sorry about Buddy, and my prayers are with
him and his family. Someone mentioned Ben Matlock and his hotdogs. I can't imagine,
what with doing several takes, and the vorocious way he ate them, that he'd have
any appetite at all come suppertime! Also, there seem to be some country music
buffs here, and I have a question that's been buggin' me. Back, I think, in the
late 70's, early 80's, there was a singer whom I thought was Kitty Wells, (turns
out it wasn't) who lost a son. She then dedicated a song to him called, appropriately,
"My Son". Anyone recall that? Just sign me: Moonbeam McSwine
October 16, 2000, 12:34 am Msg #530
Idelle Bushey.... Doggone ya! :-0 I've been looking for yours and Mr. Swchump's
e-mail and ain't been able to find it. I have something I need to say to you all
so if you would write me @ JudithHoo@aol.com, I'd 'preciate it.
Howdy to everyone elst. Hope you had a good weekend.
October 16, 2000, 12:12 pm Msg #531
Topic: If you could walk down Main Street in Mayberry during 1961 just once, who
would you stop to talk to and what would you say?
October 16, 2000, 1:21 pm Msg #532
I'd talk to the bookie barber and I'd say, "I wanna put 17 million dollars on
Decidedlyto win the Kentucky Derby next year!"
October 16, 2000, 2:39 pm Msg #533
I'd stop by and see if i could get a manicure from Ellen Brown.......
October 16, 2000, 3:56 pm Msg #534
I would stop by the Diner and see Juanita and check out the lunch special. Did
Juanita ever appear in any of the shows? I have probably seen all of them and
I don't remember ever seeing her. cgirl
October 16, 2000, 3:56 pm Msg #535
I would stop by the Diner and see Juanita and check out the lunch special. Did
Juanita ever appear in any of the shows? I have probably seen all of them and
I don't remember ever seeing her. cgirl
October 16, 2000, 3:57 pm Msg #536
Sorry about the double message, my finger just got away from me!!!!!
October 16, 2000, 5:50 pm Msg #537
No CGIRL, none of us ever saw Juanita. We just had to imagine what she looked
like...and oh how that imagination could run wild! Ha. If I could have walked
down mainstreet in Mayberry I expect I would have stopped by the courthouse to
meet Andy & Barney and hope that little Opie & Aunt Bee might stop by while I
was there so I could meet them too. Or maybe even some of the other colorful characters
we have all come to know & love. Gollee! I would just like to have met EVERYBODY
if it had only been possible! NRNMG
October 16, 2000, 8:25 pm Msg #538
I'd stop Andy! ("Aw pa, can't I look at the purty man?")
October 16, 2000, 8:33 pm Msg #539
Hello, fellow Trivialitiesers. Well, don't quite have
the same ring as 'Porchsters,' do it? But it's nice, REAL nice to be here and
able to say it to all of y'all.
My prayers for Buddy and his family and those who are worried and grieving.
I'm headed to Arkansas in two more days to see my son get his Eagle Scout
award at the Court of Honor. I'll get the 'mom' Eagle pin, too...and hooWEE
am I ever proud!
October 16, 2000, 8:34 pm Msg #540
Hmmm. Wonder why that weren't purple? Oh, well.
October 16, 2000, 9:44 pm Msg #541
Hey ya'll!.
October 16, 2000, 9:46 pm Msg #542
that weren't brick red. go figger.
October 16, 2000, 10:12 pm Msg #543
Hey to Elinora! The reason
your post font color wasn't blueviolet is because
you forgot to put an = sign in between <>font color="blueviolet">>. An easy
NRNMG the reason your post font color didn't show
up is because you didn't put a space in between <>font color=hotpink>>.
You'll get it right next time.
Opie Taylor
October 16, 2000, 10:18 pm Msg #544
Opie Taylor, what did 541 do wrong?
October 16, 2000, 10:19 pm Msg #545
[Msg #542] Try <>font color=brick red>> and it should
Opie Taylor
October 16, 2000, 10:33 pm Msg #546
You capitalized the "d" in <>font color=brick red>>.
I try it again and it should look like this:
This is what the font color brick red looks like.
Opie Taylor
October 16, 2000, 10:48 pm Msg #547
How's this?
October 16, 2000, 10:50 pm Msg #548
Shazaam! Thanks, OpieT. You manage to correct in *such* a nice way!
October 16, 2000, 11:00 pm Msg #549
Thanks, Elinora! I'm always
glad to be a help, and it nice to know that I haven't seemed too pushy! J
October 16, 2000, 11:15 pm Msg #550
Ok how did you do that smily face?????
October 17, 2000, 9:18 am Msg #551
October 17, 2000, 10:42 am Msg #552
Hello fellow posters! I think I would like to talk to Aunt Bee.
She reminds me of my Aunt Louise (God bless both their belated hearts). I'm like
De§, I think Andy is a purty man when we was young.
The police are puzzled over why they didn't find the dogs since they came back
home and kind of think someone has Buddy...now all this time his parents have
never been mentioned. Thanks for the prayers.
Today is my Granny's 89th birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY ! Miss Ellie "Everybody on the truck."
October 17, 2000, 11:50 am Msg #553
Good Morning all! Yes, Andy was (and still is)a purty man
for his age. Thelma Lou is right purty too. Now wouldn't Andy & Thelma Lou have
a made a right purty couple! Hope you all are having a Mayberry Day! NRNMG
The sun's gonna shine in your back door one day!
October 17, 2000, 11:52 am Msg #554
Happy 89th Birthday to Granny!
October 17, 2000, 12:34 pm Msg #555
Wow it's so colorful here I like it, Happy Birthday Granny and Hey to the Porch,
October 17, 2000, 12:45 pm Msg #556
wow is rite! look at all the colors! i feel like i'm on one of them hippie busses.......
:-) hope all is well with everyone.
< font color=tiedied>ollie (hehehe)
October 17, 2000, 2:06 pm Msg #557
[In reply to Msg #550] This is how to make a smiley face.
Type, <>font face="Wingdings">>J<>/font>> and when posted it will look
like this J. Now what I did is changed the font
style. The font style "Wingdings" are symbols. So it is very important
to remember to turn it off. If you want to make a sad face type in a capital "L"
instead of a "J". Give it a try C. If you
want to make a thumb up like I just did type <>font face="Wingdings" size="5">>C<>/font>>.
Got it?
Hey, to Miss Ellie! Thanks for keeping us informed on
little Buddy.
Flora, grab yourself a font color and join the crowd, you too ollie!J
Opie Taylor
"Better phone him, Al."--Floyd
October 17, 2000, 2:16 pm Msg #558
Oh, yes! I almost forgot,
Happy 89th Birthday, Granny! |
Opie Taylor
October 17, 2000, 2:47 pm Msg #559
i don't see no smiles or thumbs ups. all i see are a J and a big ol' C.
October 17, 2000, 3:41 pm Msg #560
you may have overridden the font settings in yer browser or not have the font
installed on your system, 559....
October 17, 2000, 8:00 pm Msg #561
October 17, 2000, 8:02 pm Msg #562
Look! A mouse!
October 17, 2000, 9:08 pm Msg #563
October 17, 2000, 9:36 pm Msg #
Is that the mouse that climbed in Aunt Bee's freezer to keep warm?
October 17, 2000, 9:40 pm Msg #
Hello Mayberry!!!J
October 17, 2000, 9:44 pm Msg #
Hello Visitor!
October 17, 2000, 9:47 pm Msg #
Where did the message numbers go? It is that time of year.... did the count steal
the counter?
October 17, 2000, 10:26 pm Msg #1
Just wanted to let you all know that the "Hello Mayberry" was not me. It must
be a pink impersonator of me.
October 17, 2000, 11:04 pm Msg #2
Leon's html
October 17, 2000, 11:06 pm Msg #3
Leon, hope you don't mind, I posted the link to your html tutorial page-it helped
me get a little more ept!!NumberThree
October 18, 2000, 8:21 am Msg #4
Saw two episodes back to back last night!!! How many episodes did Ernest T. Bass
appear in? Who can name them? cgirl
October 18, 2000, 8:54 am Msg #5
Ernest T. appeared in five eps. They were:
1)Mountain Wedding
2)My Fair Ernest T.
3)Ernest T.'s Education
4)Ernest T. Joins the Army
5)The Englishter and the Irishter (I know I screwed that title
He also appeared as George the TV repairman.
Just love all the colors and the font lessons!
"Your education was worth every penny>"
October 18, 2000, 8:55 am Msg #6
...and it helps to proofread!
October 18, 2000, 9:06 am Msg #7
George the TV repairman??? Whose TV was he repairing? cgirl
October 18, 2000, 9:09 am Msg #8
October 18, 2000, 9:57 am Msg #9
Ahhhh.....what a nice mornin'! It was pleasant evenin' last
night, so I sat out on the porch and enjoyed myself with a bottle of pop. It got
a little too quiet, though....so I "barked" a few times, and got every dog in
the neighborhood going. And ooo-weeee....that's a mess of dogs! Hahaha. A special
"hey" to Miss Ellie, Rafe, **Barn, Emmett, and Martha!
October 18, 2000, 10:47 am Msg #10
Has everyone checked out T he Old Remshaw Place
at wwww.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/index.htm. (Hope I did all that right.)
Anyway, it is way cool. Ang
October 18, 2000, 10:51 am Msg #11
That should work better .
October 18, 2000, 10:53 am Msg #12
Aw forget it. I'm inept at linking!
October 18, 2000, 12:05 pm Msg #13
does message 9 say anything, or was the count here again?
October 18, 2000, 12:07 pm Msg #587
October 18, 2000, 12:08 pm Msg #588
don't ask me what happened to the counter.........it's a spooky kinda time of
year :-)
October 18, 2000, 12:09 pm Msg #589
isn't it wierd that message number 13 was the last one before the big numbers
came back?
creepy, that's what it is, creepy....
October 18, 2000, 12:12 pm Msg #590
posts disappearin, links not workin, numbers all mixed up....
creepy, that's what it is, creepy....
October 18, 2000, 12:21 pm Msg #591
gomer! gomer? .. . .. . . .. . GOME? lol
October 18, 2000, 12:41 pm Msg #592
Sniff....sniff.....message 9 was mine, but now it's gone! I don't know what happened.....I
musta stepped in a closet or something'! Am I back...or am I in the Twilight Zone?
October 18, 2000, 12:44 pm Msg #593
Hey.....mebbey Mrs. Mendlebright took my message! Mebbey the wattage was too high!
Whaddaya think?
Bulbsnatcher (lower wattage now)
October 18, 2000, 12:48 pm Msg #594
Hey.....mebbey Mrs. Mendlebright took my message! Mebbey the wattage was too high!
Whaddaya think?
Bulbsnatcher (lower wattage now)
October 18, 2000, 12:50 pm Msg #595
May be the fallout....it's affecting our milk.
October 18, 2000, 12:58 pm Msg #596
hey bulbsnatcher yer post is there: highlight it with your mouse: it's
just i a white font on a white BG it seems........
"there are forces loose in the atmosphere....."
October 18, 2000, 1:31 pm Msg #597
Hey! My post is back! Did ya fix it for me, Ollie? How did it
get in a WHITE font? Maybe it's that milk I was talkin' about! Well, whatever
happened....glad it's fixed! O~ (is that you Ollie?)......you are SMART!!!! Your
education really WAS worth every penny of it!
October 18, 2000, 4:20 pm Msg #598
i don't think the font color "azure" shows up on a white background....
October 18, 2000, 4:34 pm Msg #599
is there a hex goin around? see any redheaded men around so's their heads could
get rubbed to get rid of that there hex? how does that go? inkem blinkem, sediment
rex- protect us all from the man with the hex?
October 18, 2000, 4:57 pm Msg #600
It's using that disappearing ink-
Ibum, shubum, shubum, shubum...
October 18, 2000, 5:01 pm Msg #601
Hey, that's kinda neat...highlighting over the "invisible" messages to make them
appear. Kinda like the disappearing ink! Ang "You
got witchery in your family?"
"Just a little on my momma's side."
October 18, 2000, 5:05 pm Msg #602
OK, Ollie...how 'bout a refresher course on paragraphing and spacing and line
breaks and all that jazz. Yer such a swell teacher. Ang
October 18, 2000, 5:06 pm Msg #603
dadburn it!
October 18, 2000, 5:31 pm Msg #604
very cool: thanks to ope (the original) for this link. if you have a high
speed connection, check it out. i just watched "high noon in mayberry"
"it won't be necissary, barn, me and fluffy's been freinds for years" :-)
like television
about line breaks and such:
<p> for paragraph
<br> for new line
October 18, 2000, 6:08 pm Msg #605
Hello friends! Back by not so popular demand Briscoe Darling Jr. And his Boys.
So close your eyes, and let me guide you to the land of rythem and pleasure. Time
to Drift Away" Enjoy! Briscoe
Darling Jr.
October 18, 2000, 6:34 pm Msg #606
Ever thought of Living On Tulsa
Time ? Here we go. Briscoe Darling Jr. Hey ta': ~Des~ Miss Ellie An' everyone!
October 18, 2000, 6:58 pm Msg #607
October 18, 2000, 7:02 pm Msg #608
Before we get on the truck and head up th' hill....All aboard! Wabash
Cannon Ball Night all. Briscoe Darling Jr.
October 18, 2000, 7:03 pm Msg #609
whooooohooooo! we got juggin' back! way to go BDJ
October 18, 2000, 8:08 pm Msg #610
October 18, 2000, 8:28 pm Msg #611
Thanks for the Happy Birthday greetings for Granny. She doesn't
have a computer, but I know she would like them. Hey, I might just print this
page out for her. I called her today and she sounded mighty good. She had a good
day yesterday. We are experiencing gorgeous weather in NC, which is nice for State
Fair goers. We haven't been in years, won't go this year. This is the craziest
stuff I ever seen "Shore mixing me up". It can't be the full moon, that was Friday
the 13th. Just strange. Kinda fun though, the disappearing posts that you highlight
to read. Leave it to you Bulbsnatcher...haha. Have a good night.
Miss Ellie
October 18, 2000, 10:20 pm Msg #612
Hey all, I just wanted to stop by and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAFE HOLLISTER!
hope you all are having a nice week!
October 18, 2000, 10:41 pm Msg #613
Good evening everyone! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAFE! Hope it was a
good'n. A little spooky here with that disappearin' ink & all, and right here
October 18, 2000, 11:04 pm Msg #614
hope it was / is a great one!
October 18, 2000, 11:18 pm Msg #615
Hey everyone. Happy birthday Rafe. BDJ! You are the boys are still in fine form.
Thanks for the tunes. This place looks so purty all decorated with pretty colors.
Miss Ellie? Any news on Buddy?
October 18, 2000, 11:26 pm Msg #616
Well, thought I'd use regular ink instead of that disappearin' stuff.....almost
like an "azure moulage" I've been creatin'! It shore looked purty on my screen,
but then it DOES seem to disappear! Wonder what causes that? Well, hey to all.
"Charlene....can you see me?" HMMMMmmmmmm....clunk..clunk...clunk....HMMMMMM!
October 18, 2000, 11:42 pm Msg #617
Happy Birthday Rafe! You are such a dear!
Hmmmm...wonder if that yellow is gonna show up. *Sigh* hehe
October 18, 2000, 11:44 pm Msg #618
Didn't show up very well......bulb's too bright. "It's just the lightin'....like
Andy said."
Hope I'm not postin' too much....I'm just so glad to see everybody again! I hope
I don't have a spell!
October 19, 2000, 1:01 am Msg #619
Just had a loverly chat with Therapetic, Rafe, Charlene, and Shakedown in Sarah's.
Didn't even realize it was Rafe's birthday. Dirty me, dirty me. I'm disgusted
with myself.
October 19, 2000, 6:09 am Msg #620
Happy Birthday
Rafe Hollister
Opie Taylor
October 19, 2000, 10:40 am Msg #621
I wonder if I've been watching too much Andy. I was at lunch the other day walkin'
around....and I saw this woman with a really, really bad overbite.....we are talking
BAD. As I walked past her and smiled, I I thought of the Beaman's ("he has the
Beaman overbite, but that more of a characteristic"). Well.....good mornin' to
October 19, 2000, 10:41 am Msg #622
Oops....stuttered a little. S'cuse me.
October 19, 2000, 12:24 pm Msg #623
Who is the Beaman??
October 19, 2000, 12:36 pm Msg #624
Claude Sr., Claude Jr., Plain Claude Beaman, and Claudette. Maybe I spelled it
October 19, 2000, 12:49 pm Msg #625
Next time somebody is looking for a "handle" those are all good ones...
October 19, 2000, 12:57 pm Msg #626
yo to everyone!
there is already a plain claude but i havn't seen him here yet.
October 19, 2000, 12:58 pm Msg #627
"Now look Barn, how am I s'pposed to catch the other two if I have to keep
catching these same two over and over again?"
October 19, 2000, 1:13 pm Msg #628
Isn't it Beeman?
October 19, 2000, 1:18 pm Msg #629
Hello all! Happy belated birthday to ol' Rafey, Rafey pooh. ;-) Hey Lillian, Thanks
fer them thar kind words. Time fer: Salty
Dog Aone...Atwo....Athree Briscoe Darling Jr. Hello:-) Non-Signers Newcomers
Rafe ~Des~
October 19, 2000, 1:27 pm Msg #630
hey to BDJ!
October 19, 2000, 4:22 pm Msg #631
Hey to the Porch, There was a article in our paper today concerning "Snappy Lunch".
The owner is trying to sell it and there is a little controversey about it in
Mount Airy, NC. I'll check the paper and try to give you the jest of it or maybe
"Opie" if he has the inside story maybe from Ann. Talked to Emma today who is
visiting her son in Virginia Beach and she went to DC yesterday and who but who
did she see....GILLY standing right there. First person she saw in Washington
and it was GILLY. I think that's so cool. She'll probably give some more details
but wanted to let everyone know. Your healthy girl, Flora
October 19, 2000, 8:09 pm Msg #632
Is this thing on???
October 19, 2000, 9:58 pm Msg #633
hello? hello?
October 20, 2000, 12:01 am Msg #634
Boy....that little Emma sure moves around a lot! That really IS cool, Flora! Just
floats right on into Washington and sees Gilly! Way to go, Emma! You too, Gilly!
Oh, my....selling Snappy Lunch? Jeesh...that doesn't sound good...that doesn't
sound good at all! Somebody keep us updated...definitely!
It's great to see ya on here again, Flora! Tell Emma "hi" for me (formerly Charlene
in the Nashville area).
Message #628....it very well may be "Beeman"...thanks for the help! I didn't look
it up to check my spelling....hehehe....I knew somebody here would help me out
on it if I was wrong.
Take care everybody!
October 20, 2000, 12:47 am Msg #635
Yep, The Snappy Lunch is for sale, here
is the story.
October 20, 2000, 12:49 am Msg #636
I was just kidding, the story is HERE!
October 20, 2000, 12:58 am Msg #637
(I'm tryin' my "signature color" from Miss Crump's here... Hope
this don't look TOO bad.)
Hey to ever'body! Hey to Opie Taylor!
Nice to see you, bud! Thanks for all the birthday wishes, ever'body. Extry-special
thanks go to Idelle and Bulbsnatcher and NRNMG
and ollie (a Prince of a fella) and Lillian and JudyJudyJudy
(I enjoyed the chat the other night, too!) and Briscoe Darling Junior!
It's nice to see Flora here, too. I missed seein' you at Mayberry Days
(AGAIN!), bud. Seems like everytime I make it to Mayberry, you don't, and everytime
you make it, I don't! I'm not in and you're not in! We're in the TWILIGHT
Hey also to Mister Cookie Bar and TJ
and --Elinora and Miss
Ellie and Ang! I hope I didn't
miss anybody, but if I did, "Hey" to you, too!
About the Snappy Lunch being put up for sale, according to this
article, it's the building that's for sale, not the Snappy Lunch
itself. And unlike Floyd in Floyd's Barbershop, Charles Dowell
actually owns another building that he'll be moving the Snappy Lunch to if/when
the current building is sold. That's good news!!! The Snappy Lunch will survive!
Well, I'd better go now. Just stopped in to say "Hey." So,
"Hey!" I'll see ya.
"A wink's as good as a nod to a blind mule."
October 20, 2000, 1:01 am Msg #638
BLECCCCCHHHH!!! THAT looks BAD!!! Think I'll stick
to good ol' B&W here. Sorry 'bout messin' up the place, folks.
"Who's been messin' up the bulletin board?!?!"
October 20, 2000, 8:44 am Msg #639
Hey to Mayberry!!!!Rafe, hope your birthday was a good one. I'm
trying out the black font, how do you think that will work?Haha, just kidding.
A great Mayberry day to all.NumberThree
October 20, 2000, 10:23 am Msg #640
Good morning folks. Heard that news about the Snappy Lunch too.
They are asking a big price for the building, offered it first to Charles Dowell,
but he didn't want to pay $160,000. Don't blame him. That's a lot of pork chop
sammitches. I'm glad he has another building. Still won't be quite the same though.
29 again? Lillian, I haven't heard any more news about Buddy. I won't
post unless I do, to save space. That Emma sure gets around.
Hope she ain't jaywalking in Washington ! Great she saw Gilly. Have a good
day all. Miss Ellie
October 20, 2000, 10:26 am Msg #641
I think I messed up. maybe that turned off the bold. Sorry. If it didn't,
I don't know how and maybe someone else can help me. Miss Ellie (the uneducated
fonting fool)
October 20, 2000, 10:37 am Msg #642
I didn't mean to turn on the bold. I thought I was making a new line. I typed
the "b" with those brackets around it, thinking I was making a new line, but I
turned on the bold instead and don't know how to turn it off! Please someone fix
it for me. I'm sorry. My kind of day today. Anyway to turn it off I typed a slash
in front of the b inside the brackets. Miss DUMMY Ellie
October 20, 2000, 10:45 am Msg #643
<>/B>>That should do it. J
Don't worry about it, Miss Ellie.
Opie Taylor
October 20, 2000, 10:47 am Msg #644
Just making sure I did everything right.
Opie Taylor
October 20, 2000, 10:58 am Msg #645
Miss Ellie, we have all made booboos! Don't you think another thing about
it! And you keep on posting, if you have news or not. I enjoy readin what
you post. It's no fun when half a day goes by and nobody says nuthin.
October 20, 2000, 11:08 am Msg #646
Yeah, the only thing worse than half a day is half a boy!
October 20, 2000, 11:22 am Msg #647
That right, Lillian! I agree
with you 100%!
Miss Ellie don't
let this little mistake discourage you. You're doing a great job with the different
font colors and all. You should have seen Miss Crump's Bulletin Board
when I first started using font colors and styles. I really messed the place
up! Just keep the good work. You're really doing excellent!
Opie Taylor
October 20, 2000, 11:36 am Msg #648
Hey to the Porch {br} Belated Birthday to RAFE!! Thanks for the link to the story
also. {br} I'm hoping this works for a new line. {br} your healthy girl, {br}
October 20, 2000, 11:37 am Msg #649
October 20, 2000, 11:38 am Msg #650
October 20, 2000, 11:40 am Msg #651
okay one more try
sorry folks
I'm just inept
October 20, 2000, 12:18 pm Msg #652
Happy belated, Rafe! Sorry I missed it! We need to unite together and act on this!
(I wish) Anyway, Snappy
Lunch is for sale. Whuddarwegonnado?
October 20, 2000, 12:19 pm Msg #653
Well, I think it is GREAT we are all trying to learn how to do little "tricks"
on here. It's wonderful there are those who will teach us, and how else are we
gonna learn? Ain't nobody on here inept....everybody is WONDERFUL! Hehehe......I
had the "invisible ink" on here and nobody seemed to get mad at me. Little things
like that mean a lot....they really do. Maybe I'm just a nut!
October 20, 2000, 12:23 pm Msg #654
Lordy, Lordy! **Barn himself! You don't post much any more, boy! Great seeing
you on here! Never threaten a man's porkchop sammiches.....he'll retaliate. Glad
somethin' brought you out of them hills! :-)
October 20, 2000, 2:39 pm Msg #655
I hope this turns out O.K., and if not I hope I don't mess thing
up to much. ollie, please erase this message if it doesn't work.
October 20, 2000, 2:41 pm Msg #656
It did work. :-( Oh, well.
October 20, 2000, 2:42 pm Msg #657
I meant it didn't work not did! Am I inept or what? Don't answer that.